Simple Nigerian Breakfast Ideas

o3supplies-Nigerian Breakfast

Planning for and preparing a simple breakfast can sometimes feel overwhelming! But it doesn’t have to be that way. Personally, planning ahead, and buying all the materials needed for breakfast before that morning goes a long way when it comes to saving time and actually giving the family very nutritious meals. And no, it doesn’t have to be bread and beverage all the time 😀.

In this article, I’ll give you 5 simple breakfast ideas that are easy to make, and that you and your family will totally love.

1) Bread and Beverage

I know I mentioned earlier that it doesn’t always have to be bread and Beverage all the time. But you’ll agree with me that this is one of the simplest meals you can think of here in Nigeria. So let’s talk about several variations of the bread and beverage breakfast

i) White Bread with any spread of choice eg, butter/mayonnaise/peanut butter/jam/eggs, and beverage made either with Milo and Milk, Nescafe with milk, hot choco with or without milk, Lipton with milk, etc

ii) Toasted bread and drink of choice- To prepare this, you need a toast/sandwich maker, get your white bread, add fried eggs to the middle of the bread, or a mixture of sardines and butter/mayonnaise, a mixture of boiled egg and mayonnaise, a mixture of corned beef with butter or mayonnaise. You can also add cheese to any of these mixtures if you want 

2) Pap/Custard with Akara/beans/moin-moin. 

This is another very delicious and easy-to-prepare breakfast and is a staple in many Nigerian homes. 

To prepare pap, get either powdered pap or fresh. Mix some pap(depending on the number of people who would consume it) with little water to get a thick but runny consistency. 

Note that if you add too much water such that the mixture becomes too light, your pap would be watery. It’s best to make it too thick and add some hot water to get your preferred consistency than making it too light and wasting the entire mixture.

Once pap is made, add sugar and milk to taste. (I prefer using Hollandia liquid milk for the yummiest and creamiest taste 😉). Then serve with Akara balls/ bread, beans, or moin moin.


Note: You can use the same procedure above to make your custard.


3) Fried plantain(Dodo)/Yam with fried eggs

Almost everyone loves fried plantain(dodo). It’s almost every child’s favorite because of how tasty it is. It is typically prepared by slicing ripe plantains into smaller shapes and frying them in hot groundnut oil. 

Yams can also be peeled and cut into smaller fancy shapes like this and fried just like the dodo mentioned above. 

Serve this with fried eggs and your beverage of choice and your whole family will love you


4) Instant Noodles 

This is another speedy and easy-to-make breakfast. There are so many variations as to the style of cooking, but we’ll talk about the frying method in this article.

To Prepare; Boil some water and pour it into a bowl. Then pour in the noodles then cover and set aside. 

Next, slice some vegetables like green, red and yellow pepper, tomatoes, pepper, and onions. Heat up your frying pan and pour some groundnut oil(enough to fry the vegetables). Then pour the already sliced vegetables. Allow to cook for a few minutes, then add curry and the noodle spices to taste. Once done, pour the already soft and sieved noodles into the frying pan and stir continuously till the vegetables and noodles have mixed together properly. You may add very little water if necessary( only if you feel the noodles are not adequately cooked). 

Serve this with fried eggs and any choice of drink or beverage


5) Cereals 

These are very easy to make and are relied upon heavily when one is running out of time to prepare major meals.

There are various brands in the Nigerian market and including Golden Morn, Cornflakes, Weetabix, coco pops, etc. 

To make cereals, simply pour the quantity you need into a bowl, add any milk of choice( I prefer Hollandia Liquid milk), sugar, and some fruits if you wish( I like to add some groundnuts, bananas, or apples to my cereals just to feel like eating healthy lol) and voila! Breakfast is ready.


I hope I have been able to help you organize your mornings by writing out these ideas for you. As I mentioned earlier, the key to successfully making breakfast available is planning ahead and getting the items needed stored in the house, or just simply purchasing them the night prior. 

If you like what you just read you would like to read how to prepare tomato stew

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